Caringa is a registered provider of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) supports and services (provider no 4-3llo-1022).
The NDIS is how people with a disability under the age of 65 get the supports and services they need. The NDIS is available for people with a permanent disability that impacts on their ability to go about their daily activities like everyone else.
“National: The NDIS is being introduced progressively across all states and territories.
Disability: The NDIS provides support to eligible people with intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive and psychosocial disability. Early intervention supports can also be provided for eligible people with disability or children with developmental delay.
Insurance: The NDIS gives all Australians peace of mind that if they, their child or loved one is born with, or acquires, a permanent and significant disability, they will get the support they need.
Scheme: The NDIS is not a welfare system. The NDIS is designed to help people get the support they need so their skills and independence improve over time.” – NDIS Website
Caringa Australia charges prices that are outlined in the NDIS price guide.
Check your eligibility for NDIS funding on the NDIS website.