Secure the Future for a Better NDIS

The Caringa Community is calling on the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and the Australian Government to Secure the Future for a Better NDIS

Following the recent announcement of a totally inadequate annual pricing review by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), as well as the focus on fraud in the sector. Our view, articulated by the National Disability Services (NDS), is that the government’s focus on fraud is tarnishing the entire sector and ends up being detrimental to the reputation of quality registered providers.


How YOU can help us ~ as the Caringa Community:

  • Have positive conversations in the community about what we do at Caringa across the Coffs Clarence Coast.
  • Share support for those providers and teammates in the industry who are leaders, doing the good work, outside of the media spotlight.
  • Continue to advocate, turn up and be a part of the Caringa Community where we ensure that the people who need the NDIS and our community the most are our priority each and every day.

Feel free to copy and paste these attached images and activations to your email signatures or socials, and please check out the #4abetterNDIS campaign now live online.

With thanks;

Leon Ankersmit, Chief Executive Officer

NOW is the time to SPEAK UP!

Join peak bodies and organisations across Australia to call on the NDIA and government to take urgent action to secure the future of services for people with disability and create a better NDIS. We need the Government to do a better job of managing the NDIS and act urgently to deliver fair, transparent and sustainable pricing.

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