For Day 24 of The Push-Up Challenge the Caringa Australia crew took it over town to headspace Grafton to share the last push ups / sit ups / km TOGETHER!

Challenging ourselves always to have a Complete Life!

Every dollar you donated helps #pushforbetter mental health outcomes in Australia by funding much-needed mental health services and initiatives. We have had so much fun pushing up, pushing each other and pushing youth mental health to the focus for June. In the spirit of inclusion, we had some team members walking, running and pushing each other to PUSH UP across the period of the Team Challenge.

As a community-focused organisation Caringa chose our beneficiaries to be headspace Grafton and Coffs Harbour NSW. headspace Grafton is transforming lives with the funds raised from the Push-Up Challenge! Empowered by community support, they are launching dynamic groups for 12-25-year-olds, fostering social bonds and kickstarting their mental health journeys. Your contributions are making a direct impact, creating a space where young minds thrive. Join headspace in building a foundation of well-being and resilience for the next generation. Together, we can all work towards redefining mental health support at headspace Grafton, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and connection.

Thanks to your generosity, we’re creating lasting positive change for our youth.


A group of thirteen people stands in front of a building entrance with glass doors. The group consists of men and women, smiling and posing closely together. The entrance features colorful, abstract artwork on both sides, depicting patterns, fish, and other elements of First Nations art. The people are dressed casually, with some wearing jeans, sweaters, and shirts. The background shows an interior space with a wooden ceiling and green walls of the Headspace youth mental health community centre.
A group of thirteen people stands in front of a building entrance with glass doors. The group consists of men and women, smiling and posing closely together. The entrance features colorful, abstract artwork on both sides, depicting patterns, fish, and other elements of First Nations art. The people are dressed casually, with some wearing jeans, sweaters, and shirts. The background shows an interior space with a wooden ceiling and green walls of the Headspace youth mental health community centre.

Check out our Video Playlist of the Team participating across the month and our highlights and laughs!

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